Are NouriTress Products sold in stores? Our products are sold at select Beauty Supply Stores, Salons and some JC Penney Salons across the country. NouriTress will soon be available at other fine retailers. Click Here for our Store and Salon Locator!
Does NouriTress Hair Vitamins have any side effects? No. NouriTress Hair Vitamins are just Vitamins. It is not a medicine. The only side effect some may have is if they take the vitamins without food. As with any vitamin, it is recommended that you take the vitamins with food.
How long does it take before you see any results? Generally, it takes about 30-45 days before you see any results
What Causes Gray Hair? In a healthy follicle, an enzyme produced naturally by the body, “Catalase”, reacts with Hydrogen Peroxide and breaks it down to water and oxygen. As long as the enzyme “Catalase” functions normally, the hair retains its natural color. Over time the enzyme “Catalase” produced by the body drops and the resulting chemical reaction creates a build-up of hydrogen peroxide which bleaches the hair from the inside out.
Why NOURITRESS? NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins addresses all of the problems that women have when they come to the Salon. NouriTress Vitamins builds protein, feeds the hair follicle, adds volume & shine to the hair, builds root retention, prevents hair loss and controls dandruff and graying. Hair growth requires maximum delivery of oxygen and nutrients from the circulatory system to the hair follicle. Without the required vitamins, amino acids, protein, and nutrients your hair will lose the fullness, strength and liveliness you want for your hair. Research has shown that our bodies lack nutrients due to our busy schedules, dieting and bad eating habits. NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins will provide maximum nutrition for healthy hair.
Hair needs as much nutrition as the body. NouriTress is the only hair vitamin sold exclusively in salons and on-line. Packed with 100% of the recommended daily allowance (that's RDA) of 12 essential vitamins, four vital minerals, two fundamental amino acids and herbs, Nouritress is secret to complete and total hair maintenance.
Take 2 daily for water soluble nutrients like vitamin C and folic acid and minerals like zinc, iron and selenium. Plus all the important B's, E and so much more.
Note: Do Not take multi-vitamins with NouriTress Perfect Hair Care Vitamins. Only vitamin supplements should be taken with NouriTress.
NouriTress is the “The Internal Hair Care Treatment”.
Who Should Take NOURITRESS? NouriTress should be taken by any woman desiring longer, stronger, faster growing healthier hair. NouriTress should also be taken by women who use chemicals on their hair such as relaxers, perm & color. Women who have experienced hair loss due braids and women who have lost their hair due to post pregnancy hormonal changes should also take NouriTress Hair Vitamins.
Many women of color use some type of chemical on their hair and some wear a double chemical, relaxer plus color!! Taking hair vitamins will ensure that the hair is strong enough to endure the chemical processes. Hair vitamins will give nutrition to the “papilla” (see diagram below) which then feeds the hair follicle to make the hair stronger as it grows from the follicle out through the scalp. NouriTress hair vitamins prepares the hair to better handle chemical processes.
So if you have experienced hair loss due to any reason (except heredity), NouriTress will help speed up the hair growth process all while providing nutrition to the hair follicle making the hair stronger and more healthier.
DO NOT take NouriTress if you are pregnant or nursing. You may take NouriTress when you stop taking pre-natal vitamins.
Which Vitamin Should I Take? If you are having problems with your hair such as hair thinning, hair loss, hair breakage, hair shedding and slow hair growth, you should take NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins PLUS!! Our PLUS Vitamins has the Dermatologist recommended amount of Biotin and has a more advanced formula which includes the Herb Saw Palmetto, a DHT Blocker which is used to prevent and treat hair loss.
If you want to maintain healthy hair or if you need faster hair growth and thickness and don’t have a severe damage and hair loss you should purchase NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins.
Why Hair Vitamins? You may ask the question – Why hair vitamins? Vitamins and nutrients cannot be produced by our bodies, that's why a balanced diet is so important. Vitamins come from the foods we eat and the liquids we drink. It makes sense that if the body needs vitamins to maintain health, hair needs vitamins too. After all, hair is an extension of the body and it's an expression of a person's overall health. Vitamins like B5 helps hair maintain it’s natural color, B12 actually makes hair grow faster, and vitamin C just like orange juice, improves blood circulation to the scalp. Improving the energy that hair receives improves the hair’s overall health.
Research indicates that the primary cause of hair thinning in men and women is DHT (dihydrotestosterone). As we age, DHT builds up in the scalp and damages the hair producing follicles which eventually die.
DHT works to break down a hair follicle by attaching itself to genetically predetermined hair follicles. It can cause the blood supply that feeds a hair to become damaged. DHT slowly thins the hair over time for most men and women. Men have genetically predisposed hairs located on the crown and at the hair line and temples. The final result for some men is the loss of hair on the top of the head in the shape of a horse shoe.
Women have receptors located over the entire head. This is why women have general thinning. It is impossible to diagnose DHT hair loss based on the pattern of hair loss because mineral deficiency as well as iron deficiency, deep dirt and sebum plug and many others gives the same appearance in women. DHT is the body's conversion of testosterone into a derivative of testosterone called DHT and can be found in men and women (especially after menopause). It is found in teenagers as young as 13. It is believed that some of us are more predisposed to the effects of DHT than others. It is also a belief that genetics does play a part but it also believed that diet does as well as stress in magnifying the effects of DHT.
80% of women with hair thinning or women with hair loss have serious build up of dirt and bacteria on their hair root. This is because of the sticky products that women use for styling, attracts dirt! This dirt, bacteria and sebum build up must be removed in order to allow the hair to come through from the hair follicle.
For the Ultimate in Healthy Hair, we suggest the NouriTress Healthy Hair Recipe!
Take NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins PLUS to energize the Hair Follicle
Shampoo your hair weekly with NouriTress Stimulating Scalp Shampoo to cleanse the hair follicle from bacteria and debris from the root and stimulate the scalp for hair growth
Condition your hair weekly with NouriTress Moisturizing Vitamin Conditioner to moisturize and soften the hair to prevent breakage.
If hair is shedding or breaking use NouriTress Stop Shedding Protein Conditioner followed by the NouriTress Moisturizing Vitamin Conditioner to prevent further shedding or breakage.
Use NouriTress Perfect Hair Follicle Therapy on thinning sides and thinning top areas daily.
Use NouriTress Perfect Hair Leave-In Botanical Reconstructor after using NouriTress Moisturizing Vitamin Conditioner.
Use NouriTress Perfect Hair VitaWrap Foaming Lotion with ProVitamin B-5 to mold or set hair as desired.
Finding out the cause of your hair problem is vital to solving it long-term! - If your hair loss is extreme, we recommend that you visit a Dermatologist.