Testimonials |
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Dear NouriTress, I met you guys in Aug. 06 in Philadelphia at the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. National Convention. At the time I was wearing a weave due significant hair loss which a dermatologist attributed to centrifugal foliculitis caused by a recent hysterectomy, family history, and other factors. I purchased the NOURITRESS HAIR GROWTH KIT PLUS and have been using the product consistently since August. After the first month, I had my beautician remove the weave. She asked me what I had been taking because although my hair was still thin in spots, I had significant re-growth. On my next visit, 2 weeks later, she asked me again what I was taking because even the thin spots now have almost 1/2 inch of hair. Needless to say, I am very pleased with this product. I appreciated you taking the time to discuss my hair issues. You guys were very professional, courteous, and knowledgeable. You have really been a blessing to me. God bless, Kim Jeffries (08/06)
(Thank you again for educating me on your product. I have been keeping a photo journal of my hair growth and just wanted to share it with you. I am a true believer because I can see it with my own eyes.) Kim Jeffries (12/17/2006)
Kim Jeffries Hair Journal




Hair Progress - 08/26/2006
Hair Progress - 09/30/2006
Hair Progress - 11/28/2006
Hair Progress - 12/14/2006

Celebrity music legend Ann Nesby is raving about NouriTress products in “TOP BEAUTY MAGAZINE” - Sophisiticate’s Hair!

I just had to add my testimonial about NT…it is God sent. I was at a point that I was loosing my hair in the crown, edges and even the back. I went to dermatologist that offered no solutions. Tried pricey product after product nothing worked. I realized that I had to begin to pray for solutions. Til this day I am still not sure now I even stumbled on to this site. However as I read and looked at pictures. I was amazed of the raves and mostly the results. I said to myself..its worth a try. So I set out to purchase the vitamins…tried them for a week then the products. Almost immediately I could tell that the breakage and especially the shedding had ceased. I could have cried tears. I knew then that I would be on my way. I say that these products are truly a blessing because my hair 2 months later looks thicker and fuller. The color is better and my hair is softer.
I really am amazed by this product. I will continue forward for a full head of healthy hair. Praise GOD.
F. Young - Richmond TX - 09/11
I have natural hair and started doing my own hair. I just recently purchased some of your hair products after reading about them and the testimonials on your website. There’s only one word that can describe these products….W-O-W! I used your Nouritress Hair Lustre on my hair prior to blow drying and oh what a difference it made! Where my hair used to be like sandpaper before and after I blow dried it. After using Nouritress Hair Lustre on each section of my hair as I blow dried it, my hair was easy to comb through and softened up and smoothed out almost immediately during the blow drying process! It also made flat ironing my hair a breeze!! Also, I do steam my hair during conditioning (and by the way, I mix a few drops of Vita Oil with my conditioner as you recommend on the bottle). Using NouriSIlk after washing out my conditioner, made combing out my hair a snap!
Thank you for creating such moisturizing products for those of us who are “natural” and chemical free. I can truly see the difference in my hair since using your products. My hair is getting healthier, shinier, and softer. I’ve gotten compliments on my hair since using your products. Keep doing what you’re doing! My hair thanks you!!
C.Dulin - Arlington, VA (07/11)
This product really does work. My edeges were completely bald and now I have hair growing in. It has only been two weeks and I can not believe how much it has grown in. I will tell any and everyome to use it. Trust me my edges were so bald I thought I had no hope of it ever growing back . Thanks you guys I am seeing results !
S. Hancock - Philadelphia, PA (06/11)
I finally used the deep conditioner I bought at the natural hair show to use with my hair steamer. I love it! My hair is sooo soft! Can I use it without the hair steamer and can I use it on a 3 year old? Great product!
Thanks JJ – Frasier, MI (05/11)
Hi - I have used the Nouritress plus vitamins now for 3 1/2 months have doubled my hair thickness and volume. I am so thrilled as is my hairdresser who recommended them. I would like to be a testimonial for your product.
S. Cochrane 5/2/11
Thank you for your speedy response. My daughter has been using your products for about a year now at the beauty salon, and her hair has grown about five or more inches, (it healthy, full and just beautiful), so I have decided to use your products it’s been about three months and I really like the products; the breaking has stop due to an relaxer. Thanks Very Much,
D. Ridgeway 4/25/11
I just want you to that I love your hair products. I started using your hair products in May of 2010 I won a free style and shampoo at a styling salon and the beautician told me about it she said it was really good. I thought I might as well what have I have to lose my hair was dry and brittle and would not grow, no matter what I tried even when I went to a beauty salon it was just, about an inch long and bald on the right side and thinning in the top. I started using the products and my hair is amazing it has body and shine and is almost shoulder length it has not even been a year. I tell my husband it is as I go to sleep and wake up and it has grown more. I get so many compliments before this people thought I had cancer I am truly Blessed for the stylist introducing me to your products, so I say to all who is having hair problems please use these products you will truly be thankful.
J. Meredith 04/11
I am enjoying my products but even more I am getting results. I kid you not my hair looked like the women in the testimonial......if not worse and now hair is growing there. I am so thankful for your product.....just wish I would have found 5 years ago.
I would like to know if the follicle therapy can be used for kids. My daughter is 8 years old and her hair is healthy but she wants it long (current length is past the ear, but above the shoulder).
Maria W. 3/25/11
Dear Nouritress,
I absolutely love this product!!! It makes my hair style look much more professional longer. I have been telling all my family and friends about this wonderful addition to Black hair care.
Thank you,
Beverly P. 3/27/11
You know Hair Coach I can't tell you how you saved my hair this past week. My hair is amazingly soft! The Nouritress relaxer kit and conditioning neutralizer sensitive scalp was sooooooooooo amazing on my hair. It worked a thousand times above my home box of Soft & Beautiful that I do on my own when I can't make it to the salon. After having this relaxer used on my hair, I can see why your product is doing so well. Amazing!!! My hair has never felt softer and the next day I had lunch w/ about 7 of my BFGs and they all were like “Hey Diva”. I was like who are they talking about??? I was thinking that my hair generally looks good all the time, apparently not as good as it did after I used Nouritress relaxer. It made the highlighs that you also performed at the salon POP!!!! Oh yea, I had the look ! So thank you for creating this amazing product line w/ me in mind!! J Thanks
D. Quincy (Atlanta, GA) Oct 2010
I purchased 2 items from Nouritress online. They were the Stimulating Scalp Shampoo and the Vitamin Conditioner. I found your ad in a hair magazine endorsed by T-Boz. My main goal in purchasing the items were to try to combat the dry scalp and dandruff that I have experienced for years and can never get rid of and to make my hair more healthy.
Well, the product was great and caused my hair to grow rapidly as well as look and feel much healthier. I have gotten several compliments on how well my hair looks and in such a short period of time. I generally cut my hair short, but after so many compliments on the growth, I have decided to let it grow. I hate that I did not take a photo of my hair before using the Nouritress products.
Thank you for your time and a great product! Q. Caldwell, Oklahoma City, OK (01/10)
NouriTrees Perfect Hair is absolutely brilliant. I started to notice the difference within a few days, I will no doubt continue to order. Many Thanks Caroline (United Kingdom)
I have tried this product an after having my hair fall out, my hair is starting to grow back and feel healthy again even after not having any for about a couple of weeks my hair still is growing back. Thanks to God for your product.
NouriTress, I must admit when I first read the testimonials I was skeptical and thought that the testimonials were from people who worked for the company, but I decided I would try the vitamins for 2 months anyway. Before I started the vitamins, shampoo, and conditioner my hair was falling out in handfuls. I decided I would go natural, keep my natural hair braided, and wear wigs until my hair grew back. Before I started the vitamins I could barely braid my hair and the back was so short I could not grasp it. After the first month on the vitamins and hair care I was able to grasp the back of my hair and braid it. I am finishing up my second bottle and last night after I washed my hair my natural hair was so thick and shiny. My hair came below my ear. My daughter commented that my hair was so brown and beautiful (I was getting grey when I went natural). My hair is no longer shedding, I do not have any breakage and I am starting to love my hair again. I am going to keep my hair natural and continue to wear my wigs for a year so I can see how long I can get my hair to grow. I am going to keep a hair diary, and I will keep you updated on my progress!!!! I love the products and I love receiving the emails to remind me that I need to reorder. I am going to start my daughter on the teen vitamins!!!! Thanks again!!! Frankie (Quincy, IL) 12/28/2009
Dear Nouritress,
I love using your products! I have really thick hair and I go through your shampoo and conditioner quickly. I saw that you have shampoo and conditioner in bigger bottles but they are only for the use of salons. I was wondering if a person that does not work for a salon can purchase the bigger bottles. The smaller bottles does not last long enough for me. Just Inquiring....
Twila - September 14, 2009
Hello, my name is Twila. I have been using your products for about a couple of months. I love the way it has changed my texture for the better. I begin using your product so that my hair would grow faster. I started with just using the hair pills. I decided that if I wanted this to be more effective that I should use all of your products. I say that to say this I was wondering if you have any specials instead of the ones that are on your website now. I got the gift pack last time but I don't want to order that every time I need to restock because some of the stuff I don't use. Do you have any suggestions? Once again I LOVE your products!!!!! Twila (Columbia, MD) 07/08/2009
I have been using NouriTress Vitamins for about five years and I love them. While I never had any real hair problems, regretfully, I cut all my hair off and was trying to get it to grow out. I credit NouriTress for the beautiful locks I currently enjoy. My hair has not only grown out, but it is stronger and healthier than before. I will never be without my NouriTress Vitamins. O. Bonner - St. Louis, MO 6/11/2009
I have almost finished taking my third bottle of Nouritress Perfect Hair Vitamins PLUS my extreme hair loss has completely stopped and my scalp is in a very healthy condition now, my hair is growing back thicker with no dryness or brittleness. Thanks NouriTress! Jannie - May 2009
I started using this product April 1, 2008. My hair had come out in the top from chemicals. Within 3 1/2 months my hair has grown back. I thank and praise God for your products. YES the products works. You have to use the whole line of this product to see quicker results. I love your products and have told a lot of people about your company. I really would like to sell your product. I have a picture that I can send you of the Before and After if you would like for me to send the picture just let me know! E. Burrell - Columbia, SC 9/25/08
Follice Therapy Miracle! I have a 2 year old grandson who got ringworm in his head. He ended up with a 1 1/2 inch spot that the doctor said had damaged the follicles in that area. It was devastating knowing that he would have to spend the rest of his life with a bald spot in his head. I am a NouriTress reseller and I tried the Follicle Therapy on his head and in 3 weeks his hair had completely grown back on the damaged area. The doctor was amazed! This product really works! Jaz (Durham NC) 8/20/08
I’ve been using this product for about 4 1/2 years and it’s been really good. My hair is sooooooo long! Thanks, Caryn from (Fort Lauderdale, FL) 8/19/08
This is some good stuff, I am hooked! Tracey C. (Nassau, Bahamas) (7/29/08)
I can see a great deal of improvement in my hair since I have i have been using these vitamins. It looks healthier and has stop shedding and is much longer than it has been in months. I am a middle aged woman and the hair thinning thing was upon me. No more since Nouritress. I have even recommend this to others when they comment about my hair. Thank you so much and may GOD BLESS YOUR COMPANY !!!!!!! J. Dawkins (Spartanburg, SC) (7/24/08)
I have been using your product for years and I LOVE IT!! It’s the best thing I could have done for my already healthy hair. Anytime I have trouble with my hair, your product brings it right back to a healthy state. Thank You! Denita W. (Vauxhall, New Jersey) (6/22/08)
Hi, I usually wear my hair at shoulder length and every 2-3 years I cut it short for a new style. This time it has not grown as healthy as it used too. Recently, it's had very visible breakage from relaxers, curlers, etc and felt awful to touch. I've been taking Nouritress for about weeks now. My hair has already began to look healthier and my nails have grown too! I also wanted to note that when I first visited the web site to read about the products, I recall reading a testimonial from a woman claiming to have lost weight since taking the vitamins. I just wanted to comment that I have also lost 3-4 pounds. You guys should definitely look into doing an investigation of the vitamins affect as an appetite suppressant! It may sound too good to be true, but how wonderful would that be....vitamins that allow you to shrink your waistline AND re-grow healthy hair!! I'll be more than happy to be a participant in that study! GC - Washington, DC (4/28/08)
I was searching the web trying to find something that would get my hair back on track. I wash my hair every week, and I've tried almost every shampoo and reconstructor on the market. Nothing seemed to work for my damaged/distressed hair. I hated to wash my own hair because it was so damaged and fragile. I had hair all over the bathroom, because it was combing out in globs. So I decided that I would go to a beautician and get my hair treated every 2 weeks. I even cut my hair, thinking that It would help some with the breakage, but it didn't. I tried Emergencee, Aphogee, and you name it, 9 out of 10 I tried it. I tried several hair vitamins which includes: Provana (Hair, Skin, Nails),GNC Ultra Nourish Hair, Prenatal Vitamins, and Biotin 2500. So while searching the web, I found Nouritress Plus Hair Vitamins. I purchased the vitamins from the representative and before I ran out I called and ordered more. This time I got the buy 3 get one free. So I had taken 1 bottle and I started my second bottle with no results. So I got discouraged and I called the representative back, and I told her I still had no results. She asked how long had I taken the vitamins and I told her. She told me that after finishing my 2nd bottle, I should see results. So I continued to take the vitamins faithfully. I'm now on my 3rd bottle and my hair has stopped shedding significantly. I use to have have loose HAIRS all over my back, and on the floor. NOT ANYMORE THANKS TO NOURITRESS. I UNDERSTAND WHAT “THE HAIR COACH” WAS SAYING WHEN SHE SAID THAT YOU HAVE TO FEED THE FOLLICLE. THANKS NOURITRESS. Ms. ANB - Mississippi (11/19/07)
I have been using your product for 30 days and I am pleasantly surprised, so is my hair dresser! She shampooed my hair and she said, “ What have you been doing to your hair? It is so thick”! I told her I have been using your vitamins and she said, “Keep on using it and please give me the information so I can get some for myself”! Is there anything else I can do to improve growth of hair on my hairline? D. Williams - Realto, CA (10/23/07)
I have used your product Nouritress Perfect Hair Vitamins for two months and I noticed that my hair has thickened considerably and has grown too. However a family member had sent it for me from the US and she is not able to send it to me consistently. I need to have constant access to this product but I am living in Jamaica and I do not have a credit card. Can you find some way of getting a Jamaican distributor. Please let me know. - Sherie M. - 10/5/07
I am reordering Nouritress Plus vitamins for a second bottle. I was so pleased within weeks of taking Nouritress and noticed a difference. I was quite surprised, but elated. There was a considerably greater amount of thickness in sections of my hair that were not apparent prior to taking these vitamins and compared to the new growth that occurred in my last retouch period. In fact, during the week of taking the vitamins, I had my eyebrows waxed by the manicurist who normally does this for me. I became angry when I noticed new growth at my brows by the end of the following week because I really thought that the manicurist had not waxed them properly (I usually would see no re-growth for at least 2-3 weeks). Subsequently, it occurred to me that this unusual brow growth (which of course, is more obvious than my hair root growth) was very favorable, and it then occurred to me that the roots of my hair must also be growing very similarly (at an accelerated rate)! I became so ecstatic! I can't wait to see the results after taking the vitamins for another month. I'm also wondering if the vitamins have an ingredient which may burn fat or calories… I ask this because it appears that my waistline is becoming a little thinner, which is a definitely plus! I am so happy that this product does exactly what it claims. A very satisfied customer! Kathy W. - 08/31/07
Hi! My name is Kimberly and I have been taking NouriTress hair vitamins plus now for 50 days. I can't begin to tell you how many books, magazines, on-line websites, hair products and home remedies I have read and tried. You name it I have tried it! Before you came along I was desperate, depressed and was going to shave all my hair off completely!I was going to wear a wig and pray until my hair grew back! I kid you not! My hair was atrocious and a train wreck! It was dull, listless, shedding, breaking, too dry in some areas, too oily in others, brittle, thin, thinning and of course chemical damage from relaxers, coloring, heating irons and the weather. In other words over processed and fried to the point where I thought It could not be helped at all except for shaving it all off. I love my hair, I just did not respect it. I took for granted that I would always have long thick healthy bouncy hair. I tell you, what a hard and humbling lesson I have learned. Like so many sistas out there I do my own hair, not just because of financial reasons but, because I move around a lot from state to state and some states it was really hot and humid and some states it was really cold and freezing. With me moving so much, it's hard to find a reputable salon and stylist. I like to wear my hair in synthetic braids and I was not able to do that for 4 years now. Believe me it was killing me. Braids kept chemicals, coloring and heating irons out of my hair for at least 4 months. Which made it stronger, healthier and longer. Well, enough of me rambling and I will get right to the point. I thank God for you. You have given me confidence, hope and basically my life back. I was losing my hair around the edges,t he nape and top of my hair. Now in those areas a significant amount of hair has grown in and it's noticeable and I'm loving it! My hair is much thicker, stronger, longer and the shedding and breaking has been less with each passing week. I can't believe this is real! I can't believe all of this is possible because my husband bought a black hair care magazine for me and that's how I found you. Thank God! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Your products are amazing! Kimberly L. - Buffalo, NY (7/25/07)
I am very impressed with the plus vitamins. I have had severe thinning and breakage for the last 7 years. I've gone to dermatologists for steroid injections and have been to several beauticians with no results. I've taken only 1 bottle of this product and I have seen drastic results. NO LIE!!! Wish I'd found out about NOURITRESS sooner. I am in the Houston area. I learned of the product in a Black magazine while getting my hair done. You guys should do a commerical world wide.NO JOKE, it's thaaaaat impressing. Thanks a bunch!!!!! Tarsha Bell - Baytown, TX (02/07)
I am so excited about Nouritress Perfect Hair Products. I've always had very thin hair and was very uncomfortable with wearing my hair loose. I had very slow growth and you could see my scalp through my thin hair. The past two years I suffered severe hair breakage, hair loss around the front hairline and along the back due to severe stress that I was under. My hair came out in chunks and clumps. It was so weak that when I touched it, large amounts would come right out in my hand. It was coming out right from the root with that white bulb at the end of it. It was so awful, I always wear a weave to hide it, so no one knew what was going on under there. I stumbled across this product on your website and decided that I would try the Plus Vitamins. After just 2 weeks of taking Nouritress I noticed that I already had about a half inch of new growth. I loved the results that I got from the sample shampoo and conditioner you sent with my first order. I just had to order them.
I used to have dry flakes in my scalp, and no matter what I used on it they would not go away. Now my scalp is cleaner than it's ever been. It doesn't even look like my own. It looks so healthy. The conditioner and leave-in reconstructor gives my hair beautiful body and bounce that is out of this world! My hair strands look so thick and strong. I just cut bangs in front and it looked so heavy, I decided to wear it off my face. I'm on my third bottle now and I can't wait till my hair grows out to my back so that I can wear long layers. My hair is so healthy and strong now, and it grows so fast it's hard to fix it three weeks after a relaxer. This is a miracle product! I bless God that I've found you! By the way...I am a hair stylist and I have a number of my clients on the vitamins. They're all experiencing the same great results. Keep up the good work! Essa Williams, Freeport, Bahamas (01/07)
My hair has done pretty well over the last few years with color, retouch, highlights etc, but since I've gone through 2 pregnancies back to back I started noticing my hair on the sides coming out. Well, actually my hair all over shedding. I decided to pickup a bottle and started taking them immediately. Not only is my hair growing back in the side areas of my hair, but because I'm really trying to lose the baby weight and I think these pills as a dietary supplement have attributed to part of my weight loss. thank you for two things: Hair restoration and helping me trim down the fat! Great product. DQ - Atlanta GA (08/06)
Dear NouriTress, My hair has certainly grown out beautiful. I used the women’s Rogaine for several years but with the high increase in price I could not continue to afford it any longer. I saw your ad in a Hair Magazine about the NouriTress Vitamin and decided I would try this. I said to myself, I had nothing to lose by trying this vitamin because I had NO HAIR! Now here I am with a beautiful head of hair for the summer and my husband just loves it. I do highly recommend the vitamins to anyone that wants a beautiful head of hair and don’t want to wear a wig. I am taking my 3rd bottle now and I thank GOD for NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamins PLUS. I had tried everything, spent lots of money but finally I found something that really works. Thank you for advertising your product in the magazine so that I could find you. God Bless you, and I want this to be a blessing to other women that want to wear their own hair. E. Sweats, Minneapolis, MN - (04/06)
I’m very impressed with the results of using your NouriTress products. I started using your products about one and a half months ago. I’m using the hair vitamins plus, shampoo, conditioner and the hair stimulator. My hair is now a lot healthier than ever before and my hair is steadily growing within a two week period. I am a big advocate and promoter of the NouriTress products. Hey, I’m telling everybody I know. So NouriTress, keep doing what you’re doing, because the products are great!!!! Selina Y. Bell, - Woodbine, GA (03/06)
THANK YOU ! I have never seen such a drastic change in my hair in so long I think I am dreaming. I have been taking NouriTress for 3 month and my hair was to my neck and now it is touching my shoulders. I get so many compliments my friends say, GIRLFRIEND, your hair is so healthy and growing and I said NouriTress did it! Go get you some OKAY! I don’t know the secret, but It’s like the sun and the rain on plants outside. Thank You and God Bless. M. DILLINGHAM - February 2006’
Dear NouriTress, This is now my 3rd or 4th bottle of your hair vitamin and I must say after just two weeks I felt that I was needing a relaxer again. I have never had any problem with my hair growing because it actually grows pretty fast but as most black women I have a double process and wanted to make sure I would keep hair on my head. NouriTress is a wonderful product and I have recommended it to several of my friends and associates.Thanks Nicole Bullock - Indianapolis, IN
I just placed another order for NouriTress. I was very skeptical when I first saw your advertisement in a popular black hair care magazine. I relax my shoulder length hair. I also suffer a scalp condition that causes large flakes around my front hair line not to mention a highly sensitive scalp. At first I thought the only way to combat these conditions is to wash my hair 1 - 2 times a week. I was always concerned about the effect this was causing on my natural hair growth until I began taking your product. Although I was not sure Nouritress could do everything it claimed I figured for the reasonable price it couldn't hurt to try. I saw the results within 2 weeks! My scalp problems were corrected almost immediately. No more flakes! No more large scales! My scalp has never looked this healthy. After just one month using Nouritress my hair dresser and friends could see the difference. My hair doesn't break when I comb it. There is no hair in the sink or the comb. Now I only have to wash once a week. The thing that surprised me the most was the amount of growth that I experienced. When I began taking this product my hair stopped right at my shoulders and never seemed to grow any longer. When I added Nouritress to my daily hair care program my hair began to grow long and strong. My hair is past my shoulders now. I can't remember the last time my hair was this healthy.
I have told all my friends about your product. It doesn't take much convincing because they can see the results for themselves. Even my hair dresser asked what I was using and suggested other patrons consider adding it to their daily hair care program. Please post my testimonial for anyone who may be skeptical about your claim. The end result of healthy hair is worth every penny. Thanks for creating a product that saved my hair! Sincerely, Cynthia (Worcester, MA)
Dear NouriTress, Just to fill you in. I love the way my hair looks and feels. It is certainly much more healthier than before. My husband loves it and so do others. I had my mom order two bottles. She lives in Nassau, Bahamas. I found this web site from a friend Ms. Karla Johnson from Nassau, Bahamas and we were both curious. We ordered the vitamins and have been taking them every since, about a year. Well to answer your question, my hair was just not healthy, it was really in a bad state, damaged ends, uneven length, just not growing fast enough and the temple area was a bit thin. I wish I had found NouriTress along time ago. Normally I keep my hair up, but whenever I let it down, positive comments are always made: “Your hair is growing”, “Your hair is so healthy”, “Your hair is so full of body”, and of course that makes me feel great. I started seeing results while taking my first bottle of NouriTress. My girlfriend from the Bahamas, Karla and I are always chatting on line and we are still excited about NouriTress. I also recommended NouriTress to my mom and she's very much pleased with her results. Her hair was very thin and now has lots of body and growing. Sincerely, Tanya Handfield (Turks & Caicos Islands)
Dear NouriTress, All I can say is "Wow"! These vitamins have been great! This makes 4 weeks that I have been taking them and they have made a big difference in my hair. My hair has lots of natural curl and is very difficult to manage, plus it takes a long time for me to see any results of hair growth. Not any more. I can tell my hair has grown at least an inch in the past 4 weeks and I am loving it! I will be reordering and also I will be purchasing some of the shampoo & conditioner. The samples you sent made my hair feel so soft. My hair hasn't felt this good in years!! Thank You!! Sincerely, L. Trent (Sneedville, TN)
So far I am impressed, I have been taking NouriTress hair vitamins for two months now and I have noticed a big difference. My hair is a lot thicker and some of the areas that were very thin have filled in 100%. I also love the shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo and conditioner makes my hair feel like it's never felt before. I leaves it feeling so soft and my scalp always feels so tingly. I am definitely sold on this. Sincerely, T. Thomas (Stone Mtn., GA)
I had some color put in my hair which damaged my hair badly. The damage was so severe, that I had to cut all my hair off very short! I wanted my hair to grow back quickly so I started taking NouriTress Hair Vitamins and my hair has grown faster than it has ever done before and my hair is so healthy. I am so happy I found you! Sincerely, Monica (Stockbridge, GA)
The NouriTress Scalp Stimulant is excellent!!!! My hair feels great and I love the smell. I love how it tingles my scalp. It feels like my hair is alive again thank you !!!! This product is great!
Dianna Lima (West Bridgewater, MA)
Dear NouriTress,
I ordered the NouriTress Hair Growth Kit with the Hair Vitamins, Shampoo, Conditioner and scalp stimulator and have been using it for about 2 months. I had a problem with hair breakage after having my son, and my hair seemed to not grow. I began using the shampoo and conditioner with the stimulator once a week on my hair. I went to my stylist and she told me how healthy my hair is starting to look and it has grown. I couldn't tell the difference after the first month because I got a few layers cut in my hair, so it was shorter than it usually is. This time, my layers have nearly grown out and my hair is looking healthier. My hair is still very dry because my scalp stays dry, along with the skin on my body. I'd recommend these products to anyone looking to have healthier, longer hair. C. Olivari, Atlanta, GA
Dear NouriTress, I learned about your vitamins well over 2 years ago when I visited an Atlanta Salon. I've been using your product for the past 1 1/2 years and I'm a walking testimony for your product. My hair is longer and thicker than ever before. In fact, my stylist can not believe the rapid hair growth month to month. I tell all my family and friends about NouriTress because it is the best kept secret in the South! R. Houston, Dallas, TX
I used NouriTress, and my hair has become so thick and full. I recently I cut all my permed hair off and am starting over natural. This is definitely helping me get off to the start I need for a long, thick, full head of hair. Thanks, Nadeja of Montclair New Jersey
Dear NouriTress, I know you remember me ordering your product on a steady basis, because it works like magic. But on a real tip, I had stop ordering your product because I ended up having breast cancer and with all the chemotherapy and everything and all my hair fell out. But I am proud to say with the grace of God, I'm a survivor and I see little bits of my hair coming out of the roots. So I want to start my hair off right by using a product that I know works. Please rush my product back so I can get started again. L. Williams - Orlando, FL
I have been taking the NouriTress hair vitamins for about 2 months now. I am pleased with the way my hair has and is growing out. I have wanted to have a nice head of hair and I believe now I will with the continue use of the nouritress vitamins, Shea Butter Conditioner, and the Botanical Reconstructor. The Lord lead me to the Nouritress advertisement in a hair book one day when I was at the hair dressers. I saw it in one of her magazines. I got the information and went on the internet and ordered it. My hair has gotten in pretty good shape. Ms. W